Volume 13, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2020)                   payavard 2020, 13(6): 501-515 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghavidel S, Riahinia N, Daniali S. Scientometric Study of SMA International Research Outputs. payavard 2020; 13 (6) :501-515
URL: http://payavard.tums.ac.ir/article-1-6928-en.html
1- Ph.D. Candidate in knowledge and Information Science, Department of knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , s.ghavidel@tehranpl.ir
2- Professor, Department of knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3- Ph.D. Candidate in knowledge and Information Science, Department of knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2504 Views)
Background & Aim: studying scientific outputs by using scientific indices is a useful tool for understanding scientific research. The purpose of this study is to visualize the international research outputs of the SMA subject Area.
Materials & Method: This study is an applied one with an analytical approach and using scientometric indices. The population present in this study includes 4217 WOS records all in the SMA area from 1946 until the end of 2018. The MeSH have been used to identify keywords and Ravar PreMap software for words’ homogenization, VOSviewer, HistCite, and Excel used also.
Conclusion: Ninety-one countries involved in scientific production outputs of this subject area, were among the most influential countries in scientific collaboration. The USA has most of its collaborations with other countries. Of the 946 essential journals identified, HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS SMA has got the highest number of citations. Articles in SMA Subject Area with the total number of 6097 keywords have got the 1st rank, of which the “Spinal Muscular Atrophy” has got the highest frequency and the core subject among the nine influential countries. The total number of articles in this area is 8505. Worthy of mentioning, Iran with 58% of the total scientific output ranked nine on the list.
Results: The upward trend of SMA scientific research trend indicates the increasing importance of this area in the world. Due to the the international growth of research in this area and the importance of the participation of international research, researchers in our country should pay more attention to scientific cooperation.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Medical Library & Information Sciences
ePublished: 1399/07/23

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