Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)                   payavard 2015, 9(4): 364-372 | Back to browse issues page

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Talaee R, Dakhili M, Asadi M A, Sharif Arani S H, Akbari H, Salehi A. Comparison Of Therapeutic Effectiveness With Clotrimazole 1% Cream With Terbinafine 1% Cream In Patients Therapy Given To Tinea Corporis And Tinea Cruris In Kashan. payavard 2015; 9 (4) :364-372
URL: http://payavard.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5805-en.html
1- Assisstant Professor, Dermathology Department, Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
2- Assisstant Professor, Medical Laboratory Department, School of Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , dr_dakhili@yahoo.com
3- Instructor, Parasitology & Mycology Department, School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
4- General Physician, Kamkar Hospital, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
5- Assisstant Professor, Statistics Department, School of Public Health, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
6- Master of Science in Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Department, School of Allied Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Abstract:   (50768 Views)

Background and Aim: Dermatophytosis is a skin infection without involving of hair, and in fact, Tinea cruris is a form of body Dermatophytosis. For treatment of these two diseases, topical azole or Alylamines are usually used. The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of Terbinafine 1% and clotrimazole 1%, respectively.

Materials and Methods: 100 patients suspected to Tinea body, and 50 patients direct suspected to Tinea cruris referred to Reference Laboratory of Kashan were selected randomly at one year, prepared smear with 10% KOH, and SCC culture media. 1% cream of Clotrimazole or Terbinafine prescribed 2 and 4 weeks. Then patients recovery was studied for clinical and laboratory results. The data was collected and analyzed by SPSS and Duncan procedure.

Results: After 2 weeks, clotrimazole was more effective than Terbinafine in the treatment of patients infected by Tinea of the body, but equally effective in patients therapy with Tinea cruris By Terbinafine. As a whole, Clotrimazole was more effective than Terbinafine. However, this differences was not significant (P>0/432).

Conclusion: Clotrimazole is our drug choice for therapy of Dermatophytosis and Tinea cruris, in spite of new drugs, for example Terbinafine.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Hospital Managment
ePublished: 1399/07/23

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