Volume 14, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2020)                   payavard 2020, 14(4): 356-370 | Back to browse issues page

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Daniali S, Riahi N. Drawing Co-Citation Networks of Corona Virus Studies. payavard 2020; 14 (4) :356-370
URL: http://payavard.tums.ac.ir/article-1-7045-en.html
1- Ph.D. Candidate in Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , s.danialy89@gmail.com
2- Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2291 Views)
Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study is to map the coronavirus domain citation network to better understand this domain based on all other citation networks. 
Materials and Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and is descriptive scientometrics in terms of type, which has been done with the all-citation method. In this study, all scientific publications on coronavirus(6980 documents) in the period 1985-2019 AD were studied on April 10, 2020 in the Web of Science database. For analysis and drawing all citation maps, VOSviewer and Excel software were used.
Results: In the field of coronavirus, 6815 documents, 10246 journals, and 40298 authors were identified. Ksiazek(2003) with the acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) topic received 875 citations and won the first place. The most cited documents in the field of coronavirus have 5 clusters; and the first cluster with 201 documents and with the topic of studying the structure of coronavirus is the largest one. Journal of Virology -- with the thematic range of genome structure and replication, virus identification, etc. -- ranked first with 35,383 citations. The most cited journals in the field of coronavirus are 5 thematic clusters, and the first one is the largest cluster with 121 journals and with the thematic domains of health policy, coronavirus, etc. Also, Woo won PCY first place with his specialization in identifying new microbes and emerging infectious diseases, and receiving 1491 citations. The most cited authors in the field of corona virus are in 6 thematic clusters; the first cluster with 195 authors in specialized field of virology and coronavirus is the largest cluster.
Conclusion: By identifying the highly cited scientific products in the field of coronavirus, efforts have been made to provide a comprehensive view of top documents, top journals, and top authors so that it can be a decision-making tool in the shortest possible time.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Medical Library & Information Sciences
ePublished: 1399/07/23

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